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Updated: Mar 11, 2019

This list of friends are in no particular order. and I'll continue to update this:

my children โœจ

We have been together since grade 11 and they are one of the best people with the biggest hearts! They know how to help out a friend even in their darkest times, and that is what I honestly admire about them. They are compassionate, generous, and gorgeous!

we're rockin' it!

I'm super grateful to experience this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be a part of MUN before I graduate! Got to know each one of the and enjoyed their company with Sir Jaspher and Ma'am Aikko!

my brothers and sisters at the church, Day by Day Jesusness

Its been 7 years since I came from Saudi Arabia and I'm glad they are the coolest peeps that I couldn't ask for more! We would help each other out in life such as problems in school, family, friends, and within ourselves! Kuyas and Ates are very hardworking to teach us the Scripture of God with grace, gentleness, and fun! I thank the Lord to have wonderful people in our church that brings us closer to each other. They also helped me grow closer to God and made me the person I am today, from a shy, lonely, hesitant girl to a confident, God-fearing lady that I never thought I could be with the help of God. I would like to thank my parents for introducing me and my brother God in a young age, so that we won't get lost in life. I still know I am still growing and I hope to continue serving the Lord by helping out in the church, especially in teaching others and creating things in the multimedia. Amen! ๐Ÿ‘

These two bois are my two closest brothers! I won't deny that we both had an absolute chaos of a history - well, not really, but it felt like it.

Me and Renzvic knew each other since grade 6, but more in being busmates in Bus # 1. We were neutral until both of us got into the P.O.D., won't explain what happened but that was how we didn't like each other before. But as time passed, probably after 1 year, we forgave each other since we both knew we were just kids figuring out in life, hahaha. With all the past events, it made him better, I believe. I saw his character developed from a lazy, careless boy to a responsible, outgoing, funny and bright man! We would often talk about life, school, and his crushes after school in Bus # 1. I would advise him if he wants to or listen to all his problems, since he is more talkative than I am. He also helped me out in life by giving me tips and advises, even though I don't agree to his beliefs most of the time, and he has my back such as hiding me from 'creeps' and giving me info from what he heard from other people! Coolest, gangsta bro ever, very proud for him!

Sean was the first one to approach me in grade 10, we were both classmates in section Hope and he talked to me 'cause he saw the table I designed (it was a requirement from Ma'am Jean to decorate out tables to refrain from destroying it). I had many anime and manga pictures placed in it, that's how our friendship started. Sean wasn't exactly a good person at that time, though he was a great friend, he had a lot of things going on in life, like explaining his dark thoughts and problems at home. We had a few, heated arguments over his attitude and beliefs (our ideas and beliefs kept on clashing per se). And with that and other factors in life, it made him realized things that he was doing was wrong and until now, he is still a work-in-progress. We would often fangirl/fanboy over anime, manga, and memes, debate about stuff, and talk about our philosophical ideas. I helped him out with Jasmine too, though issues were raised, but I'm super happy they got through it, and made a banner for his little sister.. Sean absolutely reminds me of my little brother, Samuel. They are both annoying! And when they met, they are like partners-in-crime, unfortunately. Sean still growing, but for the better and proud as a friend!

Lastly, but not the least, is my best sister, Sophia! We met by accident, thanks to my brother, Samuel. It was in Bus # 1, when Samuel thought Sophia is his classmate, until we started to get to know each other! We are long-time busmates, too! After 7 years, we are still going strong even though she recently went to the Philippines. The rough times we faced is what made us grow closer than ever. Sophia is the friend that taught me how to be true to yourself and to learn each day with God. She is like a mini pastor to her father! I would be her listener, when she starts to talk about her stories, characters, and all those plot twists! She is also the most mature lady I ever met, she went through a lot as the only child of the family. We often talk about art, music, video games, anime, manga, comics, and philosophical topics. She was the one who introduced me to Naruto and the world of fan-fictions or fan books. We both think very alike and agree on so many things!

She is the most strongest women I have ever met, and I know she will continue to grow stronger everyday. Not in physical terms, but emotional, spiritual, and mental health. That kind of strength inspires me all the time and I continually learn from her. She may not be 'academically' smart at school, but she excels more in intrapersonal, interpersonal, musical, spatial, and existential intelligence. She is so strong, even when her father recently passed away, she may have been shaken, but she stood up again. Yes, of course she cried, but she found peace that her father in up in heaven where he is safe with Him. I pray that she will be happier and safe in the Philippines, where she is more free to do things she wasn't able to do before in Qatar. And the fact it is her first time to go to the Philippines after 17 years makes me joyful for her.

The Youth Ministry organized our first festival!
2018 Church School Festival

This was my last minute addition, because my brother saw me writing this blog and asked "Where am I here?!". Well, here ya go , bro! Hahaha, just kidding! Plus I don't mind adding you here, even though we have a 'cat and dog' relationship. Me and my brother would share everything we like, such as games, videos, anime, manga, webtoon, and more games! Without my brother, our home would honestly be boring, because he is our little ball of sunshine. Living 16 years with this jolly guy is also annoying, to be honest, hahaah! He would disturb me by playing around, teasing, and horseplay when I'm very busy and focused. I often get mad and just start hitting him like all siblings do, and he is happy about it since he wants attention. But despite all that, I still love him.

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